
Ethan Swan (DJ)

Rochester, NY

JABS is one person! Ethan Swan! I worked at record stores for a lot of my life, notably the Bop Shopin Rochester and Jackpot Records in Portland. From 1998-2002, I co-operated the label Archigramophone with Paul Dickow. In 2017, Dave Muller and I collaborated on the temporary record store P&B Records, located at The Meow. I also made all the oral history projects for Know Wave (see HERE and HERE). Honestly I haven’t figured out the balance between my other activities and the label yet, it all kind of feels like the same project to me but I appreciate it might be confusing to anyone else.

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© 2025 Carbon Records / CarbonDEVPlus, Inc.
Woodcut design by Grace Clements & Liam Grant. Background photograph by Ella Tunis.